What Goes on 4 Feet in the Morning
Thanks for A2A David Mckelvie This riddle was presented to Oedipus Rex by the Sphinx in Greek Mythology. The answer to it is the man because when he is a baby he would crawl on all fours then when the man learns. Pin On Mat Xa Figuratively speaking the morning refers to the stage in a persons life between the day he or she is born and the day he begins to walk. . One may also ask what goes on four legs in the morning Nirvana. See the next riddle. A baby crawls on all fours then walks on two legs as an adult and uses two legs and a cane when theyre old. Its about a mans life. Halfway between morning and evening. The Riddle of the Great Sphinx. Today we explain why your feet may hurt in the morning. A teenage couple attempt to cope with an unplanned pregnancy and hysterical parents. What walks on four feet in the morning two in the afternoon and three at night. What is the creature that walk...